So you came back. Obviously a discriminating person without limited attention span. didn't go and look and now I'm suspicious - of what you will make of the following...
Now you're back
Quiet Government Men. Well, Men and Women of course but it makes for a clumsy title and I imagine seeing 'Men" and 'Women' in the same sentence implies a different dynamic. Perhaps it should be called Quiet Government People? Nah! It stays. Perhaps another story 'The Quiet Government Women' when I've got this one going.
Quiet and Government in the same sentence? Depends on your attitude to the term government. Could be a sinister interpretation - and perhaps, should you care to read it - available at Waterstones, Walkers of Stamford and of course UK and International Amazon - perhaps it damn well is.
Anyway the women in the story are not sinister but some of the men are.
That's that cleared up.
Climate Change. It is the driving force behind the story. Nobody listened, they went down the pub, watched football, soap, X Factor and just got on with it. No point fretting about something that may never happen. Eddie Izzard had a piece where James Mason and friends visit Transylvania en route for Count Dracula's castle. They stop at an inn where the locals, all speaking in Devon accents, tell him, 'Don't go up there! Stay safe down here!' whereupon JM says 'OK but if we stay here there wouldn't be a story...'
So we've got Hurricane Noah, a super storm, maybe even a 'Hypercane" and somehow sea levels rise so quickly we are all caught off guard.
[google or]
Floods in Somerset last winter. Localized and there were emergency services and community spirit to help but what if the flooding were much much worse?
Well, everyone complains about the interfering nanny state. Usually the same people who say 'What's the government doing about all this?'
Here begins the series of what ifs
What if the government were dead - all central direction gone to ratsh** ?
Imagine the power's gone off
Sewage spreading disease
Food distribution in chaos
Low ground under 20 metres + of seawater
Phones cut off
Mobiles dead
No internet
Inconvenient or what?
At the same time a mother of all storms grounding all aircraft, sinking ships, multiple deadly lightning strikes...?
Now, what if there were a privately funded organization quietly preparing? Who foresaw the barbarism and social breakdown; an end to the world of culture, education and knowledge gained so far?
That's my attention span [ + domestic duties reminders shhh ] for today
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